Adding Views to Layouts

After you create a layout, add views:

  • Drag from the Sheets tab

  • Drag from the Overview window

  • Drag hyperlinked section and detail views

When you add a view to a layout, the view name, with an asterisk (*), appears under the layout name on the Sheets SolidWorks eDrawings tab sheets Adding Views to Layouts tab.

Choose from multiple drawing sheets in the Overview window. Right-click, select Sheet and select a sheet name.

View drawings sheets in other open drawing files in the Overview window. Right-click, select Models and select a file name. You cannot drag views from this drawing sheet to the layout.

To add section and details views:

  1. Create a layout and add a drawing view that contains a section line or detail circle.

  2. Select the section line or detail circle.

  3. Click in the graphics area to place the associated section or detail view.

The associated section or detail view name highlights in the graphics area when you move the pointer over the section line or detail circle.


Adding Views to Layouts