Creating Layouts

SolidWorks eDrawings tip Creating Layouts This information is specific to one or more CAD systems. See the SolidWorks eDrawings functionality matrix for availability information.

You can create layouts using the Create Layout SolidWorks eDrawings tool create layout Creating Layouts tool.

To create a layout:

  1. Select a drawing view on the Sheets tab or in the graphics area.

  2. Click Overview Window SolidWorks eDrawings tool overview Creating Layouts (Sheets tab) or View, Overview Window.

  1. Click Create Layout SolidWorks eDrawings tool create layout Creating Layouts (Sheets tab) or View, Create Layout.

    The graphics area now shows only the selected view. Layout1 SolidWorks eDrawings drawing sheet active Creating Layouts appears on the Sheets tab as the active layout. The drawing view that you selected is listed with an asterisk under the layout. Tabs with the sheet and layout name appear below the graphics area.

  2. Add views.

To create a layout of an entire drawing sheet:

  1. With the drawing sheet active, select a view in the graphics area. Make a note of the view name.

  2. Press Delete.

    A layout sheet containing all the views (except the view you deleted) opens in the graphics area.

  3. Select the view that you deleted on the Sheets tab, then drag it into the graphics area of the layout.

    The layout contains all the views.


Creating Layouts