
SolidWorks eDrawings tip Rotate This information is specific to one or more CAD systems. See the SolidWorks eDrawings functionality matrix for availability information.

  • You can use the Rotate tool SolidWorks eDrawings tool rotate Rotate in the SolidWorks eDrawings Viewer to rotate part and assembly models, as well as drawing, detail, and section views of drawings. The eDrawings software supports display of 3D annotations.

  • Select View, All Annotations to toggle the display of annotations in parts and assemblies. Annotations remain displayed when you rotate a model.

  • To rotate models published from SolidWorks with wireframe, HLR, or HLV views, you must select the Draft Quality HLR/HLV option (View toolbar) in SolidWorks.

  • Annotations in eDrawings part or assembly files published prior to SolidWorks 2006 display improperly when you rotate the model. Re-publish the files in SolidWorks 2006 or later to improve quality.

To rotate models:

  • Click Rotate SolidWorks eDrawings tool rotate Rotate or View, Rotate and drag in the graphics area.

  • Press the arrow keys to rotate vertically or horizontally in 10° increments; hold down Shift with the arrow keys for 90 ° increments.

  • Hold down the middle mouse button and drag.

To rotate views in drawings:

  1. On the Sheets tab in the SolidWorks eDrawings Manager, activate a drawing, detail, or section view in a drawing.

    SolidWorks eDrawings tip RotateYou can also activate views from the Overview SolidWorks eDrawings tool overview Rotate window. In this case, the corresponding view in the graphics area does not need to be highlighted.

  2. Click Rotate SolidWorks eDrawings tool rotate Rotate or View, Rotate.

    The active view zooms to fit in the graphics area and the pointer changes to SolidWorks eDrawings pointer rotate Rotate.

  1. Drag to rotate the view.

    The drawing view is replaced by the model in the graphics area, so you are rotating the model from which the drawing was created. Annotations are hidden during rotation.

SolidWorks eDrawings tip Rotate To return drawings to their original state, click Home SolidWorks eDrawings tool home Rotate.

You cannot use the arrow keys or the middle mouse button to rotate views in drawings.

