Shortcut Menus
When you right-click in the graphics area with a part, assembly, or drawing file open, a context-sensitive shortcut menu appears. The shortcut menu contains the following items:
Hide. Hide the selected entity.
Make Transparent and Make Solid. Make the selected assembly component transparent or solid.
Hide Others. Keep the selected entity visible and hide all other entities in the graphics area.
Show All. Show all hidden entities. Transparent entities remain transparent.
Zoom tools
Home. Returns the model or drawing to its last saved state.
Create Layout. Useful for comparing different drawing views.
3D Pointer. Helps you visualize model orientation from drawing views.
All Annotations. Toggles the display of annotations in parts and assemblies.
Shaded. Turns shading on or off in files.
Show Edges when Shaded. Show edges when in Shaded display mode.
Animate Views.
Continuous Play
Sheets (drawing documents with multiple sheets). Allows you to open different sheets in multi-sheet drawing files.