Cross Sections SolidWorks eDrawings logo pro Cross Sections

Create cross section planes:

  • Use the default XY cross section plane.

  • Select a plane from the Cross Section tab.

  • Select a face in the graphics area, then select Face Plane on the Cross Section tab.

  • Double-click a point on a face to create a cross section plane parallel to the face.

You can drag the plane to change the cross section.

To create and manipulate a cross section:

  1. Click Cross Section SolidWorks eDrawings tool crosssection Cross Sections or Tools, Cross Section.

    A cross section plane appears, normal to the model.

    SolidWorks eDrawings crosssection01 Cross Sections

  1. Drag the plane, which moves along the axis normal to the model.

SolidWorks eDrawings crosssection02 Cross Sections

  1. On the Cross Section tab SolidWorks eDrawings tab cross section Cross Sections, select from the following options.

SolidWorks eDrawings cs xy plane Cross Sections XY Plane

SolidWorks eDrawings cs yz plane Cross Sections YZ Plane

SolidWorks eDrawings cs xz plane Cross Sections XZ Plane

SolidWorks eDrawings cs face plane Cross Sections Face Plane. First select a face, then select this option to create a plane parallel to the selected face. Double-clicking a face also enables this option.

SolidWorks eDrawings cs flip Cross Sections Flip. Flips the model along the currently displayed plane to display the other side of the model.

SolidWorks eDrawings cs view normal to plane Cross Sections View normal to Plane. Displays the model normal to the plane.

SolidWorks eDrawings cs show plane Cross Sections Show Plane. Shows the cross section plane.

SolidWorks eDrawings cs show cap Cross Sections Show Cap. Displays the edges as capped solid faces.

SolidWorks eDrawings crosssection capped Cross Sections

Cross section capped and solid

SolidWorks eDrawings crosssection uncapped Cross Sections

Cross section uncapped and hollow

  1. To release the Cross Section SolidWorks eDrawings tool crosssection Cross Sections tool, click it again.


Cross Sections