You can add clouds in the graphics area. The clouds are associated with a comment.
Clouds can include text and leaders.
Clouds size to text automatically.
You can drag and resize clouds and modify text and its properties.
To display the cloud tools, select the Markup tab in the SolidWorks eDrawings Manager. You can also access the tools by clicking Tools, Markup.
Cloud with Leader. Opens text box.
Cloud with Text. No leader.
Cloud. No text or leader. To add text later, edit the cloud.
To specify options for clouds and other comments:
Click Options on the Markup tab or Tools, Options.
Specify color, line thickness, text style, etc., then click OK.
To add a cloud with a leader:
Click Cloud with Leader .
Click in the graphics area at the leader beginning point, then again to place the cloud.
In the text box, type text, then click .
To add a cloud with text:
Click Cloud with Text .
Click in the graphics area to place the cloud.
In the text box, type text, then click .
To add a cloud without text:
Click Cloud .
Click in the graphics area and drag to size the cloud.
To edit cloud text:
Double-click any cloud, or right-click any cloud and select Edit Cloud.
Edit the text, then click .
To move a cloud and text:
Select the cloud or text and drag.
To move a leader arrow:
Select the cloud or leader and drag the handle on the arrow.
To resize a cloud:
Select the cloud and drag one of the handles .
To modify a cloud or text properties:
Right-click a comment name on the Markup tab or a cloud in the graphics area and select Properties.
In the Options dialog box, specify color, line thickness, and font.
Choose to apply changes to All comments in this document, Current comment, or New comments.
Click OK.