Text SolidWorks eDrawings logo pro Text

You can add text, with or without a leader, in the graphics area. The markup text is associated with a comment.

To add text with a leader:

  1. Click Text with Leader SolidWorks eDrawings tool text with leader Text .

  2. Click to begin the leader and again for the end of the leader (which is also the beginning of the text).

  3. Type text in the box , then click OK SolidWorks eDrawings button ok Text.

To add text:

  1. Click Text SolidWorks eDrawings tool text Text and click in the graphics area to place the text.

  2. Type text in the box, then click OK SolidWorks eDrawings button ok Text.


To edit text, double-click the text, or right-click and select Edit Note.

To move text, drag it.

To move the end of a leader, select the text and drag the handle SolidWorks eDrawings handle Text at the arrow point.

To modify text properties, click Options SolidWorks eDrawings tool options Text (Markup tab), or right-click a markup element in the graphics area or a comment in the Markup Comments tree and select Properties.

To delete text, select the text and press Delete.

