Types of Measurements SolidWorks eDrawings logo pro Types of Measurements

You can measure the following types of entities:


Measurement displayed

point to point

Distance between the two point and delta X, Y, and Z

point to edge

Projected perpendicular distance and closest distance from the point to the edge

point to face

Perpendicular distance from the point to the face

edge to edge

Perpendicular or closest distance, delta X, Y, and Z, total length, and angle

edge to face

Normal or closest distance and angle (Parallel is defined as the edge being perpendicular to the normal of the face plane.)

face to face

Normal or closest distance; angle if not parallel

single edge

Length of edge (distance between endpoints)

single hole

Diameter, X, Y, Z components of center point, and depth of hole

two holes or circles

Distance and delta X, Y, and Z between centers


Center point X, Y, Z coordinates and diameter


Center point X, Y, Z coordinates, diameter, arc length, and chord length


Circles and arcs must be on a plane.

Holes must be cylindrical and be identified by hole markers, which are inserted by the CAD publishers.


Types of Measurements